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Hypocrisy - Definition, Meaning, Types & Synonyms


Hypocrisy is a term that refers to the practice of pretending to have moral standards or beliefs that one does not actually hold or follow. It is often considered a vice and a form of dishonesty or deception. 

 Types of Hypocrisy:

One way to classify hypocrisy is by the types of inconsistency it involves. According to some philosophers, there are three main types of hypocrisy:

Inconsistency between one's beliefs and actions: This is when a person acts in a way that contradicts their stated or professed opinions or values. For example, a person who claims to be an environmentalist but drives a gas-guzzling car or wastes water is being hypocritical.

Inconsistency between one's public and private behavior: This is when a person behaves differently in front of others than when they are alone or with people they trust. For example, a person who acts friendly and polite in public but is rude and abusive in private is being hypocritical.

Inconsistency between one's moral judgments and treatment of others: This is when a person applies different standards or expectations to themselves and others, especially when they benefit from doing so. For example, a person who criticizes others for lying but lies themselves when it suits them is being hypocritical.

Examples of a hypocrisy in everyday life:

Hypocrisy can be found in many aspects of everyday life, such as politics, religion, education, work, family, and social relationships. Some examples of hypocrisy in everyday life are:

  • A politician who campaigns on anti-corruption platform but engages in bribery or nepotism once in office.
  • A religious leader who preaches about morality and virtue but commits adultery or embezzlement.
  • A teacher who demands respect and discipline from students but is disrespectful and lazy themselves.
  •  A boss who expects employees to work hard and be loyal but exploits them and takes credit for their achievements.
  • A parent who tells their children to be honest and kind but lies and cheats in their own affairs.
  • A friend who praises you to your face but gossips about you behind your back.

What is the personality of a hypocrite:

The personality of a hypocrite can vary depending on the motives and goals behind their hypocrisy. Some hypocrites may be aware of their inconsistency and try to rationalize or justify it, while others may be unaware or self-deceived. Some hypocrites may be motivated by fear, guilt, shame, pride, greed, envy, or ambition, while others may be influenced by social norms, expectations, or pressures. Some hypocrites may be malicious and manipulative, while others may be naive and misguided.

The Psychology of Hypocrisy:

The psychology of hypocrisy is a complex and fascinating topic that has been studied by various disciplines, such as moral psychology, social psychology, cognitive psychology, personality psychology, and evolutionary psychology. Some of the questions that psychologists have explored are:

Why do people engage in hypocrisy? What are the cognitive, emotional, social, and evolutionary factors that contribute to hypocrisy?

 How do people cope with hypocrisy? What are the psychological mechanisms that enable people to maintain or resolve their inconsistency?

How do people detect and react to hypocrisy? What are the cues and indicators that signal hypocrisy? How do people judge and respond to hypocrites?

Some of the findings that psychologists have discovered are:

  • People engage in hypocrisy for various reasons, such as self-enhancement, self-protection, impression management, rationalization, moral licensing, moral disengagement, cognitive dissonance reduction, social conformity, social identity maintenance, reciprocity violation, or moral hypocrisy.
  • People cope with hypocrisy by using various strategies, such as denial, avoidance, projection, compartmentalization, dissociation, self-affirmation, self-deception, moral cleansing,
  • moral compensation, moral rationalization, moral relativism, or moral pluralism.
  • People detect and react to hypocrisy by using various cues and indicators,
  • such as verbal-nonverbal inconsistency,
  • behavioral inconsistency,
  • attitude-behavior inconsistency,
  • self-other inconsistency,
  • norm-violation inconsistency,
  • role-violation inconsistency,
  • or outcome-discrepancy inconsistency.

People judge and respond to hypocrites by using various criteria and factors, such as

  • intentionality,
  • severity,
  • frequency,
  • recency,
  • relevance,
  • self-relevance,
  • self-similarity,
  • self-serving bias,
  • attribution bias,
  • confirmation bias,
  • moral emotions,
  • moral outrage,
  • moral condemnation,
  • moral punishment,
  • moral forgiveness.

Hypocrisy discography:

Hypocrisy discography is the term used to refer to the list of albums and songs released by Hypocrisy, a Swedish death metal band formed in 1991 by Peter Tägtgren . They have made 12 albums of their own songs, 6 short albums, 2 albums of live performances, 4 albums of selected songs, 1 album of videos, and 13 single songs. The band's discography can be divided into three main periods: the early period (1991-1994), characterized by brutal death metal influenced by Gridcore and black metal; the middle period (1996-2005), characterized by melodic death metal with elements of industrial metal and progressive metal; and the late period (2009-present), characterized by a return to a more aggressive and raw death metal sound. Some of the band's most notable albums are:

  • Penetralia (1992): The band's debut album, featuring a raw and brutal death metal style with lyrics about Satanism, anti-Christianity, and horror themes.
  • The Fourth Dimension (1994): The band's third album, featuring a more atmospheric and experimental death metal style with lyrics about aliens, conspiracy theories, and the occult.
  • Abducted (1996): The band's fourth album, featuring a more melodic and catchy death metal style with lyrics about alien abduction, UFOs, and paranormal phenomena.
  • The Final Chapter (1997): The band's fifth album, featuring a more progressive and technical death metal style with lyrics about the end of the world, apocalyptic scenarios, and personal struggles.
  • Hypocrisy (1999): The band's self-titled sixth album, featuring a more industrial and futuristic death metal style with lyrics about science fiction, cybernetics, and artificial intelligence.
  • Virus (2005): The band's tenth album, featuring a more aggressive and thrashy death metal style with lyrics about diseases, viruses, and biological warfare.
  • A Taste of Extreme Divinity (2009): The band's eleventh album, featuring a more balanced and diverse death metal style with lyrics about religion, spirituality, and metaphysics.
  • End of Disclosure (2013): The band's latest album, featuring a more raw and old-school death metal style with lyrics about exposing the truth behind the lies of the world.

Is Hypocrite a bad word:

Hypocrite is not necessarily a bad word, but it is usually used as an insult or a criticism. A hypocrite is someone who pretends to have moral standards or beliefs that they do not actually hold or follow. It is often considered a vice and a form of dishonesty or deception. Calling someone a hypocrite implies that they are not trustworthy, sincere, or consistent. However, some people may use the word hypocrite in a less negative or more humorous way, such as to tease or mock someone who does something that contradicts their usual behavior or preferences. For example, someone who claims to hate chocolate but eats a chocolate cake may be jokingly called a hypocrite by their friends.

Is Hypocrisy a Behavior:

Hypocrisy is not exactly a behavior, but rather an attitude or a state of mind. Hypocrisy is the practice of pretending to have moral standards or beliefs that one does not actually hold or follow. It is often considered a vice and a form of dishonesty or deception. However, hypocrisy can also manifest itself in various behaviors that reflect or result from this attitude. 

Some examples of hypocritical behaviors are:

  • Lying or exaggerating about one's achievements or qualities.
  • Criticizing or judging others for doing something that one does oneself.
  • Demanding or expecting from others what one does not give or do oneself.
  • Acting differently in public than in private
  • Claiming to be loyal or faithful but cheating or betraying
  • Claiming to be generous or charitable but being stingy or selfish
  • Claiming to be humble or modest but being arrogant or boastful
  • Claiming to be tolerant or open-minded but being intolerant or prejudiced
  • What is the synonym of hypocrite:
  • Some synonyms of hypocrite are:
  •  Faker
  •  Phony
  •  Pretender
  •  Deceiver
  •  Dissembler
  •  Charlatan
  •  Impostor
  •  Fraud

Hypocrite meaning:

Hypocrite is a word that comes from ancient Greek theater. The actors there used to wear big masks to show which role they were playing. They were called hypokrites , which means “someone who speaks from behind a mask”. Later, this word was used for anyone who pretends to be something they are not. This meaning was adopted by French and then by English.

Who are hypocrites in Islam:

Hypocrites in Islam are those who claim to be Muslims but do not truly believe in Islam or follow its teachings. They are also called munafiqun , which means "the ones who show hypocrisy". Hypocrites in Islam are considered to be among the worst enemies of Islam and Muslims, as they try to deceive Allah and His Messenger and harm the Muslim community from within. Hypocrites in Islam are condemned in many verses of the Quran and hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). 

Some of the characteristics of hypocrites in Islam are:

  •  They say they believe in Allah and His Messenger, but they lie.
  •  They perform the outward acts of worship, but they do not have sincerity or devotion.
  •  They show loyalty but they betray when they have the opportunity.
  • They spread corruption and mischief, but they pretend to


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