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The Moon Lovers

 Anna and Leo met at a summer camp when they were both 15 years old. They felt an instant connection and spent every day together, exploring the woods, swimming in the lake, and sharing their dreams and secrets. They fell in love and promised to keep in touch after the camp was over.

But fate had other plans. Anna’s family moved to another country, and Leo lost his phone in a fire. They tried to find each other online, but they had no luck. They both felt heartbroken and lonely, but they never gave up hope.

Years passed, and Anna and Leo grew up. They both pursued their passions and careers, but they never forgot their first love. They often looked at the moon at night and wondered if the other person was doing the same.

One day, Anna decided to take a vacation to the country where she met Leo. She wanted to revisit the place where they had shared so many happy memories. She booked a cabin near the campsite and packed her bags.

Meanwhile, Leo had a similar idea. He wanted to see if he could find Anna again, or at least feel closer to her by being in the same location. He also rented a cabin near the campsite and drove there.

On the first night of their stay, Anna and Leo both went outside to look at the moon. It was full and bright, casting a silver glow over the trees and the lake. They both felt a surge of emotion and nostalgia, and wished they could see each other again.

They didn’t know that they were only a few meters apart, separated by a thin wall of wood. They didn’t know that fate had brought them back together, after so long.

The next day, Anna and Leo both decided to go for a walk around the lake. They wore masks and sunglasses, as it was still a pandemic time. They didn’t recognize each other at first, but they felt a strange attraction and curiosity.

They started talking casually, commenting on the weather and the scenery. They soon realized that they had a lot in common, and that they enjoyed each other’s company. They decided to sit on a bench and continue their conversation.

They talked for hours, laughing and sharing stories. They felt a familiar warmth and comfort in each other’s presence. They felt as if they had shared many memories and moments together

They decided to take off their masks and sunglasses, as they felt safe and comfortable with each other. They glanced into each other’s eyes, and their hearts skipped a beat.

They recognized each other immediately. They couldn’t believe it. It was Anna and Leo, their long-lost loves.

They hugged each other tightly, tears streaming down their faces. They couldn’t speak, only feel. They felt an overwhelming joy and relief, mixed with disbelief and wonder.

They finally found each other again, after so many years of searching and hoping.

They looked at each other again, smiling through their tears. They said in unison:

"You are the soul of my every day… No matter what difficulties we meet, we’ll resolve them hand in hand. And you know that’s what our love can do Tonight, I will look up at the moon and I will know that somewhere you are looking at it too.”

They kissed passionately, feeling their hearts beat as one.

This was the outcome of their dreams, they believed it deeply.

They realized that making the other person happy was essential for their own happiness.

They knew that they wanted to hold each other, feel their breath, stay as close as their clothes to their skin.

They knew that they had found their moon lovers.


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