Mayi Ri is a Pakistani drama series that revolves around the lives of three sisters, Zara, Hira, and Sana, who belong to a middle-class family in Lahore. The series explores the themes of love, betrayal, family, and social issues. The first episode of Mayi Ri introduces the main characters and sets the stage for the upcoming conflicts.
Mayi Ri Episode 1 All in Onez
Zara is the eldest sister, who is a successful journalist and a feminist. She is independent, outspoken, and ambitious. She is engaged to Ali, a handsome and wealthy businessman, who loves her dearly. Zara’s parents are proud of her achievements and support her career choices.
Hira is the second sister, who is a housewife and a mother of two children. She is married to Asad, a conservative and abusive man, who does not respect her or her family. Hira is unhappy in her marriage, but she endures it for the sake of her children. She often seeks solace in her sisters and her best friend, Ayesha.
Sana is the youngest sister, who is a college student and a dreamer. She is naive, innocent, and romantic. She has a crush on Farhan, a popular singer and actor, who does not know about her existence. Sana’s parents want her to get married soon, but she wants to pursue her education and passion for music.
The first episode of Mayi Ri shows how the three sisters cope with their different challenges and aspirations. Zara faces pressure from Ali’s family to quit her job and become a traditional wife. Hira discovers that Asad is having an affair with another woman and decides to confront him. Sana gets a chance to meet Farhan at a concert and hopes to impress him.
The episode ends with a cliffhanger, as Zara receives a shocking news from her boss, Hira faces a violent reaction from Asad, and Sana gets into trouble with Farhan’s fans. What will happen next? Watch Mayi Ri on [Hum TV] every Monday at 8 pm to find out.